23 Jul 2008

insert into frustration(1 Fuse Plug)

Being a Goddess of geekdom, strange things happen to me all the time. Tonight.. my second monitor, started to flicker... then went dead. I was like, Eh?

Turns out that the fuse blew in the plug. Now being American, I don't put too much thought into fuses at the plug, but here in this country, it's all WOOOO PLUG FUSES FTW. *sigh*

So... now I get to wait till my husband comes back from London where he's working on some racks to get more fuses. Oh well.. down to one monitor = sadfaic.

22 Jul 2008

insert into random_topics(3)

So, I figure i will put random thought here.. and stuff.

To start with, my husband and I are getting a Wii this friday with GH3.. cause we're noobs. I figure there goes the rest of our social life. *snicker*

On top of that it seems Sky is giving away skyboxes for free now... saw and advertisement for it at Morrisons. Got the number of the sales person and will have ot call and find out if it's true tomorrow. If it is not for existing customers, well, we can fix that... >.>

I also need to figure out what colour I want to take my hair this time. It's still blue, and loverly, however I wonder if I should keep it or not. Time to call a hairstylist that was recommended to me!

A step for the database lovers..

It strikes me as silly that I don't have a blog yet, so yeah, I am starting one now. Just random things here and there will be posted here. Of course this will be the kind of thing my friends can look at, but the hope is that I can meet some new friends who enjoy the same things I do!

I'll screw around with the layout and stuff later.